Month project
Boreholes to upgrade
5 water assets have been pre-identified with communities and County Water Departments as being in high need for repair in Marsabit county. At least 13,000 people are expected to directly benefit from improved access to safe drinking water and hygiene practices.
They took action!
Social Impact
As women walk and children walk long distances to get to water points, this will reduce long distance travel. More over, this projects aims to teach communities how to use, repair and sustain water boreholes for a long term use.
Environmental impact
The target boreholes will have a water distribution tap, it will ensure the efficiency of water collection as well as the responsibility of the households in its use. Also, the solarization of the boreholes will allow low energy impact.
Economic impact
By prioritising the implementation of borehole solarization, ACTED will ensure that operating costs are minimised and that no additional management costs are imposed on the communities and water committee.